![IMG_4487.JPG IMG_4487.JPG](https://dosyahastane.saglik.gov.tr/Resim/338512/0/img4487jpg.png)
Dr.Ercüment HELVACI was born in 1971. In 1998 he complated succesfully his dental education at the Gazi Univercity . He has been working as a dentist since 1998 He is still performing duty as a dentist under the Ministry of Health Oral and Dental Hospital in Kocaeli / Turkey.Dr. Ercument Helvaci also holded a master's degree in management of hospital and healthcare institutions in business administration.He is particulary interested and specialized in surgical parts of dentisrty like dental implants, embedded or fractured tooth. İn his career he examined thousands of patient about implants and surgical dentisry. He has received many training on implant surgery and surgical dentistry who has had over 50 certificates.He has married with Dr. Betül GÜMEN HELVACI and they have a daugther.